Sunday 13 June 2010

'Six Feet Under' Wisdom

Malice absolutely loves this show. Here are a few quotes which highlight the superlative quality and poignancy of the writing:-

"I'm just saying you only get one life. There's no god, no rules, no judgments, except for those you accept or create for yourself. And once it's over, it's over. Dreamless sleep forever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here. Really. Why not?"

"Love isn't something you feel, it's something you do. If the person you're with doesn't want it, do yourself a favor and save it for someone who does."

"Being alone is the prison, just thinking about yourself, just being trapped in this vortex of always watching yourself. Which, I suppose, is ok if you're interesting. Truth is, nobody's that interesting."

Margaret: That blouse would have worked if you had gotten rid of that bra.
Brenda: Yeah, well, your skirt would have worked if you had gotten rid of that ass.

"Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Ends."

"This is life. People have crises. They push each other's button. They inflict pain on one another, and once in a fucking blue moon, they bring out the best in each other. But mostly they bring out the worst."

"Well, we're all wounded. We carry our wounds around with us through life and eventually they kill us. Things happen that leave a mark in space, in time. In us."

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